From the Mk I SSTV-to-625 SSTV up converter a jump now to the Mk VI version, Mk II-to-Mk V were design exercises that never made it to publication. This is a work-in-progress thread so it's not presented as a fait accompli, and probably will undergo modification as the design develops. This will not happen overnight, so some patience may be needed.
It is possible a PCB could be produced if there is sufficient interest shown once finalised, if ever that happens!
As previous, the input is a monochrome SSTV signal of 120/128 lines in a 1:1 aspect ratio at either a 15Hz (US) or 16.7Hz (EU) line-rate. The SSTV subcarrier is 1200Hz for Sync, 1500Hz for Black, and 2300Hz for white. Sync duration is 5ms for line-sync, and 30ms for frame-sync. This basically defines the original Cop McDonald SSTV standard in terms of frequencies and timing.
It is hoped to produce two versions, the first with a monochrome 625 output suitable for standard EU TVs/monitors. The second with a monochrome 800x600 60Hz VGA output. It may be possible to eventually produce a version switchable between the two output standards, though not both simultaneously.
The hoped-for simplification is physically smaller RAM and Read processor chips and a reduction in associated wiring. Also an improvement in demodulator filtering to reduce/eliminate overshoots with large/rapid transitions within the recovered baseband SSTV signal. This was a major flaw in the Mk I version to me...entirely my own fault!
Comments/feedback welcome at this early stage, easier to change things now rather than later...
Steve A.
For those wondering, no, I'm not interested in the more recent SSTV modes with higher resolutions and/or colour. I concede I'm a Luddite! I also should admit I have never put together a true P7-based CRT SSTV display. I did start on one many years ago, it's still sitting on a shelf here incomplete, covered in a thick layer of dust!