by Ralph » Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:09 am
I have already installed a better diffuser and will make some other modifications in the next few weeks. I am off that task for the moment and am busy converting the MUTR circuit to a universal televisor pc board. Given how easily the MUTR system fired up, it seemed to be a reliable way to jump start all sorts of televisor projects.
The board is 4 x 4 inches (102 x 102mm) so that nothing is crowded and experimental modifications will be easy. The board uses the IRL530 (or any similar FETs) since, with a suitable heat-sink, that device will run most DC motors. The video portion of the board will accommodate both TO-92 and TO-220 driver transistors, permitting a light sources ranging from a single LED to a large LED array, not to mention an actual neon tube if someone were so inclined. The board is designed so that the LED and sensor for the optical chopper are off the main board, permitting maximum flexibility with respect the the mechanics being used. It will take a week or so to get the board made and I will test it initially using the DE Televisor mechanics. If it works well, and I see no reason why it should not, I will post all the project documentation on my web site.